Tuesday, October 7, 2008


After months of dealing with dusty little footprints and Dave spending every free second he had (which aren't too many), and countless hours neglecting my children on account of painting, our basement it finally done. It is so amazing to have it all done. It feels like a whole new house. The kids have been down there since the carpet got layed. It is so quiet upstairs, it is crazy. We also moved the couch and TV down so now we have a completely empty living room. It looks like we moved out of our house. Well darn looks like I will have to get new furniture upstairs. What do you think of the before and after?


Celeste Adams said...

I love the new basement. I didn't realize how nice it was having a basement until we moved to Michigan. It definetly helps keep the upstairs cleaner and more quiet. I looks really nice. I like the colors.

Jill said...

Amy that looks so nice, how awesome to have a place to send your kids. have fun furniture shopping.